Why a new Purchase-to-Pay network? The NEVI trade association is already active, and there are already several purchasing networks, right?
“P2P & Verder is not a new purchasing network. Our open network offers space for the cooperation between finance and purchasing and is not linked to any of these areas of expertise. We are trying to break the silo thinking within P2P and call for an integrated approach to P2P that involves finance, purchasing and the business. We are convinced that an integrated approach leads to the best results.”
Who is behind the creation of P2P & Verder?
“P2P & Verder was founded by six P2P professionals, each with their own specialty in the P2P field, a shared vision of P2P and a drive to improve the P2P field of work. The founders are: Derek Hooyman, Ewald Schaap, Fred van Dijk, Jacob Boersma, Robert-Jan Meeks and Yvo Slagman.”
The main objective is to share knowledge and best practices. What are you all going to initiate in the coming year?
“Based on concrete cases and themes that organizations actually face, our aim is to organize four meetings this year. In addition, we will actively facilitate knowledge sharing between participants and will regularly visit each other to share experiences.” Meeks adds: “Peers in the P2P field can join for free sign up to P2P & Verder.
During the first event you organized, there was consensus about the notion that the traditional P2P process is on the verge of disruption. What developments do you think will radically change the process?
“In recent years, there has been a clear rise of smarter solutions for P2P processes. Where previously the system was adapted to the processes — with a lot of customization — the new best practice is adapting the process to the system; standardization. Data-driven improvement is becoming increasingly important. With Process mining, more and more insight can be gained into the actual functioning of a process. Areas for improvement are easier to identify and track. Market leaders will even be able to make statements about the expected turnaround time of certain cases in a process based on historical and live data.”
“The aspect of change management is becoming increasingly important when it comes to process improvements. People must be included in the changes in the new process and system. Also because the systems will replace the daily work of employees. Instead of on routine activities, the focus will be on solving 'failures', from operational to more of a control function. Ultimately, through the use of artificial intelligence, blockchain and robotics, human activity in P2P processes will disappear completely.”
Finally, what will the Purchase to Pay process look like in roughly five years?
“Broadly speaking, the process will still look the same; but with a much higher level of automation. Among the high performers, the presence of people in the process will decrease even further due to the development of Decision software and robotic process automation. The integration between supplier and customer will be increasingly complete, including blockchain and electronic communication (which is not the same as digital communication).”