Will we see you at our next event?

Realize your purchasing ambitions with a well-designed Source-to-Pay process. With our knowledge sessions, you'll discover how to make your S2P process more efficient for your organization step by step. You will also stay up to date with all the ins and outs and learn from experts and colleagues in the field.

How do you approach a Source-to-Pay project?

This knowledge session will delve deeper into practice: how do you successfully approach a Source-to-Pay project? And how do you organize such a process? We share practical tips that you can immediately apply to your organization.

Hét S2P-event - de digitale editie

Na het succes van ons jubileumevenement in Burgers' Zoo, organiseren we nu deze digitale editie. Na een korte inleiding duiken we in deze online sessie in op de toepassing van AI in het S2P-vakgebied. Ook delen we de best practices voor S2P-projecten die door de groep werden opgehaald.

Update the latest developments and trends in Source-to-Pay

We will look back on the trends and developments of 2024 and it will be a knowledge session full of inspiration about the S2P trends and developments. Don't miss this opportunity to look ahead and set your 2025 strategy!