P2P Software: how do I make a successful selection?

Appropriate P2P software plays a crucial role in the success of your P2P process. P2P software is not easy to choose and there are many aspects to consider. In this blog, we would like to take you through the entire P2P software purchasing process and share our learning experiences and tips on how to successfully select P2P software.

P2P Software: how do I make a successful selection?

P2P Software Expectation Management

When a new P2P software is purchased, it is expected to give user satisfaction a huge boost. However, the satisfaction of the P2P software can vary considerably throughout the process.

What we often see in practice is that too much is often expected from the software at the beginning of the P2P project. Here, the expectations of the P2P software are not in line with satisfaction after both the go-live phase and long-term satisfaction.
When starting a P2P project and using new P2P software during the P2P project, the trick is to keep satisfaction as high as possible. Higher satisfaction can be achieved through standard training and education, but the best results will be achieved by using active chain control.

Active chain control

With active chain control, you make it possible to increase satisfaction with the P2P software after the 'go-live' phase. The first part of active chain control starts even before the go-live phase with realistic expectation management. Make sure there are realistic expectations for the new P2P software. In doing so, also approach P2P software from a broader perspective and not as a tool that will solve all problems. When the new P2P software is implemented, the second part of active chain control begins. It is also important to keep actively working with the chain during the further process. For example, it is important to actively involve users in the new P2P software, to appoint a clear chain owner and to formulate clear objectives.

Both creating realistic expectations for the go-live phase and active chain control after the go-live phase contribute to higher satisfaction with the new P2P software:

P2P software selectie

The P2P software purchasing process

There are many different steps before choosing a P2P software. Together, these steps form the purchasing process. When carrying out a purchasing process, it follows P2P & Verder seven steps, namely:

  1. Preparing the Business Case
  2. Market orientation
  3. Requirements
  4. Request for Proposal (RFP)
  5. Contracting
  6. Implementation
  7. Evaluation

In the rest of this blog, we will elaborate on the above steps. In addition, we address the pitfalls and biggest dilemmas of the P2P tender, look at requests through the eyes of software suppliers and provide exclusive tips for choosing the right software supplier. Do you want to continue reading? Then click

Want to keep talking about your P2P software selection? Then please contact
Ewald Schaap.

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