Market orientation & software selection

Our organization aims to better support the S2P process with software. There are various providers in the market. Which software is the best fit for your organization?

Our vision:

  • Our starting point is the best practice: we analyze current S2P processes and show where things can be improved.
  • Problem to market: we challenge suppliers to come up with solutions for your S2P process and do not prescribe the solution ourselves.
  • We are there both with and for the users: in the project, we work together with the most important users.
  • Independent: We are not affiliated with any of the Source-to-Pay software parties.

What we deliver

  • Clear approach and agreements: we determine the purchasing strategy and planning of the Source-to-Pay project together.
  • Market consultation: we draw up an RFI/RFP or tender document that you can send out with confidence.
  • Care: we guide you step by step through the S2P process from initial analysis to signed contract.
  • Knowledge & expertise: we bring knowledge, expertise and templates on all aspects of Source-to-Pay.

To help you get started

Performing a good market orientation and choosing the right supplier for S2P software is necessary to make your organization and the S2P process perform in the best way possible. Below, we have written down 10 tips for a successful software selection to help you get started.