P2P2? What comes after Purchase to Pay? Knowledge network 'P2P & Verder' challenges you to look ahead (report of the 1st network meeting)

Of course, you can fantasize about the future anytime, anywhere. But when you look into the distance in the middle of the Virtual Reality Room in Utrecht with glasses on your nose, it suddenly becomes real! On Thursday, January 25, P2P entrepreneurs Robert-Jan Meeks, Ewald Schaap, Derek Hooyman, Jacob Boersma, Yvo Slagman and Fred van Dijk challenged about 20 professionals to look further. Literally looking ahead through Virtual Reality glasses, but also looking ahead to the future of Purchase to Pay. The P2P professionals who set up the knowledge network look back on a successful kick-off.

P2P2? What comes after Purchase to Pay? Knowledge network 'P2P & Verder' challenges you to look ahead (report of the 1st network meeting)

According to Robert-Jan Meeks, the role of Purchase to Pay, and in particular purchasing and creditor administration, will change dramatically in the coming years due to trends such as blockchain, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Ewald Schaap also states that P2P Professionals are looking for sparring partners to solve daily problems related to Purchase to Pay. Knowledge network 'P2P & Verder' wants to connect organizations in a practical and accessible way to share this knowledge and experience and prepare for 'the end' of the traditional P2P process.

During the first session, valuable experiences are immediately exchanged. One of the findings, for example, is that a well-functioning project team is very important during P2P projects. And everyone agrees when Fred van Dijk claims that motivating people to participate in a change process can be quite a task. According to Derek Hooyman, it is important that you, as a project manager, also know about the content. And it's best to keep P2P projects simple and organized, is one of the conclusions.

Curious about more P2P experiences and future prospects? The knowledge network offers every P2P professional the opportunity to escape from the daily routine and sparring with a small group of peers. The next event will take place in April 2018, and some P2P themes will be further explored based on current cases.

The network is independent, free and open to everyone working in the P2P field, P2P peers can sign up via www.s2pmore.com

The founders are all experienced P2P entrepreneurs:

Ewald Schaap, Robert-Jan Meeks, Derek Hooyman, Jacob Boersma, Yvo Slagman and Fred van Dijk. More info: see Our P2P People

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