Control over change: this is how Dichterbij improved the P2P process

A healthcare organization with hundreds of locations and thousands of employees; that must ensure a complicated P2P process. How do you ensure a better grip on spending, and at the same time sufficient freedom for healthcare to do its work? How do you ensure streamlined processes? And how do you ensure changes in the organization so that there is no dip after implementation?

Control over change: this is how Dichterbij improved the P2P process

These were Dichterbij's challenging questions, where we were allowed to help them. And that's what we did. From analysis and baseline measurement to change management and aftercare. You can discover how this process went and what the impact was in this blog.

The challenge: the need for grip and control

Dichterbij is a care organization for people with an intellectual disability. The organization offers living spaces, day care, childcare and workplaces. There are now more than 940 locations, where a total of more than 2800 FTEs are employed. A large organization with a high purchasing demand.

And that brings us to the challenge of Dichterbij. Indeed, there was a need for more control and control over the Purchase-to-Pay process. Dichterbij is a decentralized organization, where care for clients with an intellectual disability is central. The locations themselves are responsible for purchasing for their clients. In such a situation, it is difficult to get an overview and insight. This caused the internal processes to run smoothly. The users were also not satisfied with the applications. We started working on that.

The solution: user-friendly software

For such a large organization, central coordination is very important. That's why S2P & More has put together a project team with Dichterbij's employees from IT, Finance and Procurement. This team was supported by a sounding board group with users of the systems.

With this team, we investigated the appropriate softwares for Dichterbij. After careful evaluation, we opted for FileLinx's AFAS Purchasing and Invoice Processing. A user-friendly and efficient system, as long as you set it up properly. For the sake of ease of use, we therefore linked a dozen catalogues to the purchasing portal, allowing employees to purchase with minimal administrative actions.

Dichterbij used to work with a separate order and invoice processing system. Now these 2 systems are in 1 application. As a result, matching the order with the invoice is automatically possible and therefore improved control. For Dichterbij, the new software took some getting used to in the beginning. This is because it sets requirements for how you draw up the purchase order and what you agree with the supplier.

After laying a good basis for the project, Dichterbij itself set to work to further optimize the Purchase-to-Pay process. From S2P & More, we took on a coaching role here, so that Dichterbij is increasingly on its own feet. Finally, to ensure the changes in the organization, we have drawn up an internal control plan. In the coming years, Dichterbij will focus more on the data that this plan provides.

This is how Dichterbij experiences the cooperation with S2P & More

Erik Roefs-Kling is Procurement team leader at Dichterbij. He really enjoyed the collaboration: “I found the project support from S2P & More very pleasant. Even after a few tasks were divided between several people from S2P & More. The content knowledge and the constant challenge of the organization ensured tight project supervision where the responsibility was felt and borne jointly.

Finally, I am pleased with the advice to ensure the follow-up internally. By creating this role internally, this is ultimately well secured within our organization and we are working on the continuous improvement of the P2P system.”

The importance of aftercare in a change process

After the implementation of new software and procedures, aftercare and change management are very important. This is the only way to make optimal use of the system. That's why, from S2P & More, we held periodic discussions with the chain manager over the past year. This way, we keep a finger on the pulse even after the implementation and Dichterbij was able to make use of our knowledge.

The result: one year after going live, the number of PoS has risen and there has been no post-go-live dip (which often occurs when implementing projects).

Tom, our consultant at S2P & More, says: “It's cool to see that Dichterbij is now continuing independently. Together with the users, they want to keep improving the ordering to payment process.”

Dichterbij about the strength of S2P & More

Ellen Hofmans is an Operational Buyer and Chain Manager at Closer. She shares her experiences with S2P & More: “What I found extremely pleasant was the concrete schedule that was drawn up and reviewed every 6 weeks. As a result, the big picture was translated into small, achievable steps. These ultimately led to the actual rollout.

The strength of S2P & More is the involvement in the project and the project staff. This means that all project employees worked as a team and remained motivated throughout the process. In addition, the sounding board group was also intensively involved during choices. As a result, the project was rolled out warmly.

The guidance and guidance that S2P & More provided even after delivery was very nice. This ranged from defining tasks and responsibilities to sparring about possible opportunities and questions arising from the project. That's why I look with confidence and great pleasure at future opportunities to further optimize the P2P process.”

Are you also ready for change?

At Dichterbij, the new P2P process has provided a lot of efficiency. Do you also need a partner who helps you implement or optimize your P2P system or process? Feel free to contact us.

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