Interview with a P2P professional from the network: Jacob Boersma

From this newsletter, a fixed section where we interview someone from the network. This time: Jacob Boersma.

Interview with a P2P professional from the network: Jacob Boersma

Who are you?

My name is Jacob Boersma, 40 years old, married to Willeke and father of Lukas aged 9. We live in De Bilt, a village close to the woods where I regularly take lovely walks, but also close to Utrecht to enjoy city life.

Working together and innovating gives me energy, in other words, working better and more efficiently together. Where my strength is to keep going with a positive drive for great results.

What is your background?

Entrepreneurship was instilled in me as a child by my parents' company. At an early age, I started helping out in their poultry business. During my studies, it quickly became clear that I was interested in the field of purchasing.
At 18e I started with NEVI. During my purchasing career, I worked at various major Dutch companies, such as Ziggo, Essent, Stork and BAM.

What are you currently working on?

As a senior consultant, I have completed many assignments in the purchasing and logistics of hospitals in recent years. In addition, I have seen that there is an urgent need in healthcare for further digitization of processes.

During a 'P2P & Verder' knowledge session, I came back into contact with Quyntess, with whom I started ConnQ together. ConnQ offers an app on the Tradeshift network that allows us to digitize all processes between hospitals and their suppliers, such as purchase orders, order confirmations, packing slips, invoice matching and e-invoices.

My ambition is to make a real difference in the healthcare sector. To reduce the administrative burden, so that the focus can be on caring for patients. I will do this by using my knowledge of healthcare processes, experience in purchasing and logistics and combining it with the drive to connect people & innovate digitally.

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