P2P & Verder feedback event March 23, 2023

On March 23, 2023, another physical P2P & Verder event took place. This time focused on the P2P process within the government. The purpose of the meeting was to share knowledge, exchange experiences and expand the network. After a short introduction, we went in-depth into what makes the P2P process specific (or different) compared to, for example, trading companies. Specific P2P government themes include:

P2P & Verder feedback event March 23, 2023
  • Declaration of performance (instead of goods receipt only)
  • Legality of purchasing (also consider your own statement..)
  • Wide diversity of purchases (from fire trucks to youth care to policy reports)
  • E-invoicing (mandatory to receive but can it also be processed...)

After the introduction, Petra, Tom and Brecht from the Municipality of Breda openly took us into their experiences with implementing their P2P project. Around 20 participants listened carefully and the large number of questions showed that there was a lot of interest in sharing knowledge and gaining experiences. We specifically addressed two topics in small groups. Declaration of performance and e-Invoicing. A lot of recognition among the participants and tips and solutions were exchanged. Many thanks to Breda for their openness and many thanks to all participants for the questions and ideas.

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