P2P Implementation: How to properly implement the P2P Process

Implementing your P2P process involves many aspects. It is important that you balance all these elements properly so that the cart you are pulling does not become overcrowded. We'd love to show you how to roll out a P2P Process. How do I prepare for my P2P process implementation? Who do I involve and how do I keep an overview? These questions and more are answered by covering the following topics:

P2P Implementation: How to properly implement the P2P Process

- The preliminary phase
- Project management
- Client and Project Manager
- Phasing implementation
- Impact on Procurement and Finance
- Change management

The preliminary phase

A thorough preliminary phase is essential prior to the implementation of the P2P process. As has been said, a good start is half the work. This also applies to your purchase to pay process. If you've read our previous pieces, by now you have:

- An Analysis & Baseline Measurement performed on the current situation surrounding your P2P.

- Drafted a P2P Business Case and received a “Go”.

- Made the right P2P software selection to support the process.

- Broadly designed or optimized the P2P process design.

In the P2P Business Case, you often see that mountains of gold are promised, where in reality, not all benefits are realized. This is because implementing the P2P process is not an easy task. Where you expect the rollout to go smoothly, it usually comes down to unexpected twists and turns that complicate the process.

In the rest of this blog, we will further discuss P2P process choices, the channel strategy and also mention various pitfalls of this strategy. Want to continue reading? Then click

Do you want to continue talking about the implementation of your P2P project? Then get in touch with
Ewald Schaap.

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